Meet ACHCA D3 Speaker BJ McKay!
Meet BJ McKay!
We are pleased to welcome BJ McKay from Advisa as one of the speakers at the D3 Summer Summit! BJ will be speaking at a session titled “How to Become an Employer of Choice.”
BJ is a Senior Leadership Consultant at ADVISA but you may know him as an entrepreneur, leadership or sales coach. In his 13 years with ADVISA, BJ has worked with hundreds of companies and has trained hundreds of leaders, managers, and sales professionals. From small start-ups to Fortune 100 companies, you’ll find him working on building meaningful connections between results, business strategy and the teams, leaders and cultures that drive them. Prior to ADVISA, BJ was a track and field coach at Ball State University (his alma mater), the vice president of sales at a SaaS start-up, and a top performing sales professional in digital media.
With all of the fantastic speakers that are lined up, you don’t want to hesitate any longer on completing your registration to attend. Stay tuned for more information on each speaker and more details on each session that will be provided at the ACHCA District 3 Summer Summit!
Don’t forget that registration is now OPEN! We want to see you there! Click the links below to register and reserve your hotel room today!
Visit our website and blog regularly for more information. To register for the ACHCA District 3 Summer Summit, please visit our EventBrite page to purchase your tickets. We look forward to seeing you at the Belterra Casino & Resort in July!